Monday 26 November 2012

Image capture, image output and storage of image assets

File Extentions

When saving images, only certain file types will be able to be seen on digital devices. For example, Apple devices do not support Flash, so any .fla flies wont function on Apple devices, which may a problem if a site runs on flash. Another example is if you have to edit or open a .psd file on a computer which doesn't have Photoshop installed: you won't be able to open the file, which  may cause some problems. The best way to avoid this would be to save the image as a more common file type, such as .jpg, .bmp or .png. 

.bmp, or Bitmap, is a common image file format and is compatable with most computers. It is a raster type format, so that means that it retains it's sharpness when 'blown up'

.png, or Portable Network Graphic, is a file type which is not as common as the other file types, as it is not as widely used. You may need to install a programme to open and edit these files, as the programmes pre-installed will not open these files. One common factor about .png files is that they have a transparent background (a grey and white blocked background), so they are more commonly used in the industry for media.

.gif, or Graphics Interchange Format, is a file format which lets you show a small animation from either a video clip or an animation. .gifs are mainly used for online purposes, but they have a limited colour palette so they may not be suitable for some professional companies.

.tiff, or Tagged Image File Format, is a file extention mainly used by professionals, photographers and graphic artists, but can be opened on most computers.

.jpg is probably the most common image file type, as you can open and edit these file types on any computer. .jpg's aren't widelt used in the media industry as such, as when you 'blow up' jpg's, you can see the pixels more clearly, so it looks blurred.

.psd, or Photoshop Document, is a file type which can only be opened in Adobe Photoshop. This is because the file will contain all the layers of the image, which can only be edited in Photoshop. this type of file format will be more commonly used in the industry due to its relation with Photoshop and its large pixel count.

Image Capture

To 'capture' an image means to take a recording of it, so that you may view it later. You can do this by using a variety of different recording media:


A scanner can be connected up to a computer or laptop, so that you can scan an image in. Usually, the image will be on a  piece of A4 paper, as the maximum size most scanners can scan in is A4. After you have scanned the file, you will have a digital copy of the image or document, so that you can edit it digitally.

Digital camera
A digital camera allows you to take pictures of a current scene, such as a event or a group of people. After you have taken the picture, the image is stored on the SD card inside the camera, which can be removed and put into a computer, so that you can edit the files if you so wish.

Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera 


A tablet is a device which you can plug into either your computer or laptop, and then draw images on the tablet screen and they will appear on screen. Tablet's are mainly used by artists, as this is a easy way to 'draw into' a digital device. Tablet's are available with screens on them, so that you can see more easily what you are drawing, rather than looking at the screen whilst you are drawing on another surface. These type's of tablet's may be more commonly referred to as "Graphics tablet's", as tablets can also mean "Tablet computers".

Wacom InTuos4 Graphics/Drawing tablet

Image Output
Image output means any device or object in which you can display an image that has, usually, been produced digitally, or traditionally. 

Print mediaComputer/Laptop
You will be able to view images, such as drawings and promotional material, on a laptop or
Most work that is viewed on these types of devices can be altered in programmes such as Photoshop, or Paint
. Computers/Laptops are used to display media which is usually only going to be seen by a few people, so it would not be ideal to use to show a large number of people information on a screen.

MacBook with images of CD artwork onscreen.
You can also project images onto surfaces using projectors. This will allow you to show media to an audience easily, but you may be unable to edit the media on-screen if you are using an older projector. Projectors are usually used when showing presentations to a large audience, either educational or for entertainment.
Modern art being shown using a projector
Printed media
Printed media can apply to a range of physical media, such as advertisements in magazines, posters or billboard advertisements. You will typically see advertisements in gaming magazines for new games, as this is their target audience. You will only typically see games advertised on Billboards if they have a large following, such as the Batman video game franchise, as they will more likely profit from this advertisement when compared to a game with a smaller following, such as the Silent Hill video game series. However, this could be seen as a way of appealing to a target audience, or if the company can afford to have these placements. 

Billboard advertisement for Assassin's Creed III

File extensions used in digital graphics, file compression and optimisation

When saving digital graphics, the file type you save it as can have an impact later. The most common example is that you save it as file type, such as .psd or .ai, and are unable to open the image outside of these selected programmes.
When saving images, you cann choose from a variety of different extentions:

.bmp, or Bitmap, is a common image file format and is compatable with most computers. It is a raster type format, so that means that it retains it's sharpness when 'blown up'

.png, or Portable Network Graphic, is a file type which is not as common as the other file types, as it is not as widely used. You may need to install a programme to open and edit these files, as the programmes pre-installed will not open these files. One common factor about .png files is that they have a transparent background (a grey and white blocked background), so they are more commonly used in the industry for media.

.gif, or Graphics Interchange Format, is a file format which lets you show a small animation from either a video clip or an animation. .gifs are mainly used for online purposes, but they have a limited colour palette so they may not be suitable for some professional companies.

Example of a .gif

.tiff, or Tagged Image File Format, is a file extention mainly used by professionals, photographers and graphic artists, but can be opened on most computers.

.jpg is probably the most common image file type, as you can open and edit these file types on any computer. .jpg's aren't widelt used in the media industry as such, as when you 'blow up' jpg's, you can see the pixels more clearly, so it looks blurred.

.psd, or Photoshop Document, is a file type which can only be opened in Adobe Photoshop. This is because the file will contain all the layers of the image, which can only be edited in Photoshop. this type of file format will be more commonly used in the industry due to its relation with Photoshop and its large pixel count.

Image Compression

Lossy Compression
Lossy compression is when you compress and image,  and make the file size smaller, However by doing this, you also loose some of the quality of the original image. Because of this downsize, it is not commonly used, apart from when media is being streamed live, such as a live event or performace.

Lossless Compression
Lossless compression is when you compress a file, but no quality is lost from the file. For this reason, it makes it more useful than lossy compression. However, lossy compression will reduce the file size more, so depending on where the final product will be shown, either compression is suitable for use.


When optimising images, you will have to set a target output. If a file is too big, it will take longer to load and will take up more space. As well as that, if the file is of too low a quality due to the smaller file size, this won't look good either, so its best to set a target output.
Image bit depth is used to describe the numbers of colour that are present in an image. A 1-bit image is black and white, or monochrome, a 4 bit image uses 16 different colours, an 8-bit image uses 256 different colours from a preselected chart and a 24
 bit image uses 16 million colours. A 24 bit image may also be referred to as "True colour". The highest available image depth now is 48-bit, which is a billion different colours
Image resolution is how detailed the final image will be. If you increase the resolution, the more defined the image will be, and if you decrease the resolution, the image will loose its quality. This can be referenced back to image compression, as if you use lossy compression; the resolution will decrease.
Image dimensions refers to the size of the image in pixels. The larger the dimensions, the larger the image, and vice versa. Most images used for promotions will have large dimensions, so that more detail can be included.
As previously stated, compressing images can affect the resolution of the images, depending on which type of compression you use.

Styles of graphic art in computer games

Different games can have different art styles, and different game genres may tend to go towards a particular art style for their games. For example, adventure games usually go for a more photorealism look, and games for children go towards a more cell shaded art style.


Photorealism is an art style in which the graphics look more realistic, as they attempt to make them look like they are from a photograph or film. Photorealism is mainly used in adventure games or FPS', as this is where being in a realistic environment is more suitable for thgameplay and will allow you to 'immerse' yourself into the game easier. However, one problem with this art style is that people can become too 'used' to this, which makes them believe that there is no difference between real life and the game, which can have disastrous effects.

Resident Evil 6

Cel shading

Cel shaded graphics are graphics that are intended to look cartoon like. Cel shaded graphics are not as widely used as photorealistic graphics, as there is more of a demand for photorealism. Cel shaded graphics may also be combined with 
photorealism graphics, to create a more colourful interpretation on realistic graphics.

The image below is from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. This game was the first game to use cel shading which appealed to a wide audience of players.The graphics were met with controversy, as many thought that the graphics were childish and some Zelda fans refused to purchase the game due to this. However, after release, the game became a fan favourite and is considered better than the photorealistic Zelda game which came out next due to the backlash of the Cel shaded graphics.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Abstraction games use an abstract art style, which can be described as the artists interpretation. For example, when comparing a drawing of a tree to a drawing of an abstract tree, on the abstract drawing, you will be able to see what the artist saw and their vision whilst drawing it, as they may include features that were not there already or have been emphasised. A popular example of an abstract video game is Katamari game series, in which you play as the character 'Prince'. The object of the game is to collect enough materials as needed to 'rebuild the stars'.

Katamari Damacy


Exaggeration video games use a art style which exaggerates certain features to make them more prominent, such as muscles or breasts. Exaggerated video games are often associated with the anime and mange genre, as this is where most of the ideas come from. However, not all anime and mange use such an art style. Some of the games may also fall under the Cel shaded art style, as manga and cartoons have many similarities in their art style. Using this trailer, we can see that is has taken aspects from the Cel shading style, and uses exaggeration towards the end where the characters are showing their 'special moves'.
Bleach: Shattered Blade

Different styles of graphic art in video game's

Different types of games use different art styles: you wouldn't expect an adventure game to have bright cell-shaded graphics, and you wouldn't expect a children's game to have realistic graphics. The art style changes depending on the target audience, as shown in the two examples above.

Pixel art

Pixel art is a style of art in which the sprite is made up of a collection of pixels, to create a 8-bit or 16-bit looking sprite. By using this style, you can create a 2D games featuring this style of art. 3D isometric sprites have the same concept, but can be viewed from more than one angle, which creates a 3D appearance for the sprite.
Pixel art may have a low resolution, if if is necessary to the feel of a game. For example, if you were designing a sprite to be used in an 8-bit style game, you wouldn't make it too detailed, as the player wont see the detail so it wouldn't be appropriate. However, games such as Habbo Hotel use 3D isometric style art, to create a look like the example below.

Example of Pixel art

Concept art

When a game is still being planned or "sketched out", the artists will create concept art for the game. during this stage, many different concepts will be sketched out by designers, as with more ideas available to work from, the more choice they have. The concept art  may or may not be used in the final game, but it is is interesting enough, it will help pitch the game to a developer. Artist's will create concept art for characters, weaponsenvironments, texture art and vehicle's.

Concept art for the game "Alice: Madness Returns"

Background graphics

Background graphics are objects that are present in a game environment. They may be 'natural' features, such as trees or ditches, or they could be man-made, such as temples or vehicles. When you are playing the game, you may or may not be able to interact with these objects. Examples of background graphics include: forests, tree's, clouds and rivers.

Resident Evil 6

In-game interface

An in-game interface is a type of menu that is shown on screen during the game, and will give players information about their current health, ammunition, etc. They may also be referred to as "head up display's". they are mainly present in game that involve combat , such as Halo and Dead Space, in which you will need to continually check on these details.

Ghost Recon 2

Print media art
Print media art is the art or designs that are created to be publicised by the production company. Most print media art will be eye catching, as this will make you interested in game game. when designing the print media, they will have to keep within a the games art style and theme, so that it looks the same. For example, is a games mainly colours are pinks and red, it wouldn't be appropriate for the box art to be mainly blues or purples. Print media art can be used to describe the game packaging; box cover; manual; label or poster.

Lollipop Chainsaw Cover art

Picture element and image resolution

A digital image on a screen is made up of pixels. The more pixels in an image, the larger it will be and the higher the resolution. The higher the resolution of the image, the more defined the image is. For example, if you had an image but one had a larger resolution than the other, you would use the one with the higher resolution as that would be the 'clearer' image of the two.
The intensity of an image can also affect how an image looks overall. When you increase the intensity of an image, you are increasing how vibrant the colour's are in the image. By increasing the intensity of image, you can make it more eye catching, which will be useful when making print media.

Types of Digital graphics

In digital graphics, there are two different types of programmes that deal with digital graphics, and this will affect the final image. They cane be split up into Raster or Vector image type programmes.
The difference between vector images and raster images is in how they are made up. Raster images are made up of pixels, whereas vector images are made up of of geometric shapes, such as lines and curves. Because of this, if you 'blow-up' the image, a raster image will become pixelated, whereas the vector image will retain it sharpness. 

A comparison of a original image, when compared to a pixelated version
As well as being composed differently, they can also be saved differently. Raster images can be saved under the file types: .bmp, .gif, .tiff and .jpeg. Most of these file types are common, so you dont have to have any specialist software installed to access these files.
Vector images can be saved under the file types: .psd, .wmf, .fla and .ai. These file types only open up in specialist software, such as Adobe Photoshop for .psd files, Adobe Illustrator for .ai files and Adobe Flash for .fla files. Since most of these software's are expensive to own, images are usually a raster type, unless they are being used for promotional material, then they will more likely be vector images.